le CEMIPAI au Japon

Le 9 Novembre, SĂ©bastien Lyonnais prĂ©sentera la plateforme CEMIPAI comme confĂ©rencier invitĂ© au 45ème symposium ISNAC Ă  l’universitĂ© de Kyoto. Il prolongera son sĂ©jour au Japon par une visite de 15 jours Ă  l’iCeMS (Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences) dans le laboratoire du Prof. Hiroshi Sugiyma pour se perfectionner en AFM Ă  haute vitesse. Nous remercions l’universitĂ© de Kyoto, le programme MUSE EXPLORE de l’universitĂ© de Montpellier et l’Ambassade de France au Japon (programme Exploration Japon 2018) pour leur soutien financier. 

On November 9th, Sébastien Lyonnais will present the CEMIPAI platform as a guest speaker at the 45th ISNAC symposium at Kyoto University. He will prolong his stay in Japan as visiting scientist in the laboratory of Pr. Hiroshi Sugiyma to improve his training in high speed AFM in high speed. We thank the Kyoto university, the MUSE EXPLORE program of the university of Montpellier and the French Embassy in Japan (Japan Exploration Program 2018) for their financial support.